It is still quite hot where we are for the Safari tour but nowhere near as hot as it was when we were in Arabia. We've already seen so many different animals already. My favourite animal that we have seen so far is the Tigers because they are just so beautiful. Kato got to go up close to a big tiger which was really exciting for him. I was so worried for Kato though just in case the wild tiger wasn't friendly but it all turned out alright in the end.

My favourite part of the Safari so far is when I got to sit on the back of an Ostrich. At first I didn't want to sit on it because I was worried that I'd be to heavy for it but the ostrich didn't even seem to struggle with me sitting on it's back. I guess they are stronger than I thought they were. We will be camping out near this pretty water pond tonight but I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep knowing that all these wild animals are around us. I will be to worried about waking up in the middle of the night with a hippos head poking through my tent door or something even worse.
didnt u wear the safari outfit?
ReplyDeleteNo I didn't wear the Safari outfit I didn't like the colours.